My account has not been approved

If your account is showing as needing approval when you sign in, it may mean we need further evidence of your eligibility. Please see the action required below, according to your membership type.


It is likely that you have signed up with a personal email address instead of your NHS work address. Please send us your work email address and we will edit your account. If you do not have one then we’ll need you to send in the following evidence and we hope to get your account active in no time!


  • Formal identification (scan or photo of your passport, driving licence or birth certificate)
  • NHS ID, NHS Proof of Placement, NHS Payslip or NHS Pension statement for retired members (with your name clearly visible)

Submit Evidence here


It may be that you have signed up with a personal email address instead of the work address associated with your charity or that your charity is not yet onboarded. Please send us your work email address here and we will edit your account. 

If your charity wasn't listed during registration, please see the associated FAQ here for more guidance. Once you have submitted your charity application, contact us and we'll connect the dots.

If you’re a volunteer and don’t have a work email, your eligibility will depend on whether we've partnered with your organisation. Please contact our customer service team here and we can switch you to our Volunteers platform & provide further information.


Currently, to be eligible for Tickets for Teachers, you have to be a member of the NASUWT union or employed by a UK Government registered School or College with an email address supplied by your employer. If you have signed up with a personal email address and are not a member of the NASUWT, please send in your work email here and we will edit your account.

If you have registered with a work email address you believe to be eligible, please contact our customer service team here and we will investigate. 

Ticket Bank

It may be your support evidence did not get auto approved. Please send in the below documents and we hope to get your account active in no time!


  • Formal identification (scan or photo of your passport, driving licence or birth certificate)
  • Proof of financial government support (scan, screenshot or photo of your statement with your name clearly visible)

Submit Evidence here

We look forward to welcoming you to the TFG family!